Collapsed Lung Recovery: Symptoms And Treatment For Collapsed Lungs

Collapsed lung condition is often referred to as Pnemothorax. Atelectasis is another condition which is associated with complete or partial collapse of the lung tissue and is a result of complications associated with respiratory problems.

An individual with a collapsed suffers from a wide range of symptoms including difficulty in breathing. Due to lung collapse, the lung capacity reduces significantly which in turn can result in breathlessness, weakness and tiredness, due to shortage of oxygen to the body. Correct diagnosis is essential to treat the condition effectively.

Symptoms Of Collapsed Lung

Depending upon weather the condition is attributed to Pnemothorax or Atelectasis, the manifestation of symptoms change slightly.

  • Pnemothorax: This condition is typically associated with damage to the lung tissue which results in leakage of air from the lungs into the pleural cavity. Under normal circumstances, the negative pressure in the pleural cavity helps the lungs remain inflated at all time, however when air leaks into the pleural cavity, this negative pressure effect is lost, leading to lung collapse. The typical symptoms associated with Pnemothorax include pain in the chest, difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath along with rapid and shallow breathing.
  • Atelectasis is a condition which is involves deflation of the tiny air sacs or alveoli located inside the lung tissue.
    This condition often may not have any signs and symptoms, but in severe cases may manifest in the form of dyspnea, rapid breathing, low grade fever and cough. The condition is attributed to chest injuries after surgery or blockage of the air passages due to severe asthma or a tumor.

Recovery Of Collapsed Lung

As per the New York Health Guide, a partially collapsed lung doesn’t interfere with an individual’s ability to perform normal day to day functions. In most cases, lung repair can take place naturally without any intervention; however there are certain considerations,

  • Depending upon the severity of the collapse, supplement oxygen and rest are essential to help resolve the condition.
  • Occasionally when Pnemothorax is associated with accumulation of fluid, a needle aspiration may be required.
  • In cases of severe lung collapse with restricted airflow, inpatient hospitalization may be required to hasten the recovery of the lung tissue.

Spirometer is conducted on the patients to understand their lung capacity and resting patterns of air flow. Spirometer is a device which is used to encourage improvement in lung functions and also aids in measuring the progress of the patient.

Treatment For Collapsed Lungs

Though surgical intervention may be required in some cases, most of the cases of partial lung collapse can be treated using homeopathic drugs,

  • Sulphur and Bryonia are two drugs that are useful, especially when lung collapse is associated with fluid collection in the pleural cavity. Both these drugs are potent in aiding the absorption of fluids from the pleural cavity.
  • Antimony Tart is another homeopathic drug which is beneficial in management of lung collapse associated with obstruction of the airways (atelectasis). Antimony helps resolve the congestion and mucus plugs in the airway passage which may result in the obstruction.