Remove Black Lips | Causes of Black Lips| Get Rid Of Black Lips

Causes of Black Lips

Ideally, lips should be red or pinkish, but excessive smoking and exposure to sunlight could make your lips turn black. Other causes of black lips are dryness of the skin due to excessive lip licking, the use of heavy and wrong makeup and cheap lipstick especially those with artificial scents, frequent consumption of hot beverages such as coffee and tea, and allergy.

How to Get Rid of Black Lips Naturally

You can get rid of black lips and get back the natural redness of your lips by avoiding the culprits and by following these simple methods:

  • After brushing your teeth at night, you may scrub your lips with your toothbrush to remove dead skin cells that blacken your lips.
  • Buy quality makeup especially lipsticks from trusted companies to ensure safe products. Never use expired makeup because this can cause irritation and burning of your lips.
  • Prepare a mixture of lemon juice with almond oil and leave it on your lips overnight for best results. You can also apply lemon juice on your lips every day to shed off dark skin on your lips.
  • You can also remove black lips by applying coconut milk on your face and lips. Not only will this remove the dark skin surface on your lips, it will also bring a natural glow to your facial skin.
  • Lather honey on your lips for 15 minutes before rinsing it with water.
  • Before taking a bath, apply toothpaste on your lips for 3 minutes to bring back the natural redness of your lips.
  • Allow your tea or coffee to cool down a bit before sipping it to avoid lip burning.
  • Apply a layer of castor oil on your lips to bring back its natural glow.