Varicella Pneumonia Treatment: What Are Its Causes & Symptoms?

Varicella is a contagious viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus. Commonly the infection is known as chickenpox. It is usually an infection of childhood, but sometimes adults too can be affected. Pneumonia although rare is one of the serious complications of varicella infection. Adults are more prone to suffer from varicella pneumonia as compared to children. It develops when the virus infects the lungs.

Pneumonia can develop 2 to 10 days after appearance of chickenpox rash. Majority of people recover from the illness within few days or weeks. However, it is considered to be a serious complication due to high mortality rate especially adults who are suffering from chronic lung disease or have impaired immunity.

The condition is commonly treated with antiviral medicines.

Causes Of Varicella Pneumonia

Varicella pneumonia is a viral infection. It is caused by varicella zoster virus which is responsible for chicken infection and herpes. Varicella pneumonia is one of the complications of chickenpox infection. This complication is more common in adults who suffer from chickenpox as compared to children. Pregnant woman and people having compromised immunity are at greater risk of developing pneumonia after they are exposed to primary infection with this virus.

Varicella infection is contagious and its spread is airborne. Lung infection occurs after appearance of rash.

It may develop after 10 days. Although rare, men as well as women both are susceptible to suffer from varicella pneumonia, with more probability in men. Person suffering from chronic lung disease and smokers are at greater risk of developing pneumonia as one of the complications of chickenpox.

Symptoms Of Varicella Pneumonia

The symptoms of pneumonia develop as a result of inflammation of the lungs. Lungs get inflamed while fighting with the viral organism. Inflammation prevents easy flow of oxygen into the lungs. The symptoms of varicella pneumonia develop one week after appearance of skin rash. However, sometimes it may occur earlier.

Fever and cough are two primary symptoms that develop in varicella pneumonia. It is then followed with difficulty in breathing and shallow breathing. Chest pain, productive or dry cough, is common clinical symptoms of symptoms.

Some patients may develop fluid in the lining of lungs which is called pleural effusion. Patient with pleural effusion experience sharp stitching pain in lungs. Pain aggravates with breathing. On auscultation, there is decreased breath sound. Fatigue, reduced appetite are frequently associated symptoms.

Treatment For Varicella Pneumonia

Varicella pneumonia is easily diagnosed as it develops during the outbreak of chickenpox. X-ray chest often confirms the clinical diagnosis due to presence of characteristic patches in the lungs. Varicella pneumonia although rare has serious consequences of high mortality rate, especially in immune-compromised individuals.

Early administration of antiviral drugs increases the possibility of early recovery. This has become a standard therapy in high risk individuals who suffer from chickenpox. In this case antibiotics are of no use as the underlying cause is virus infection.

Patient is also provided symptomatic relief with medicines that reduce fever, cough and pain. Serious cases may need to be shifted in ICU, where constant oxygen therapy is provided to the patient. Intravenous fluids help to replenish lost fluids and salts from the body.

The mortality rate with varicella pneumonia has improved in recent times because of better availability of antiviral drugs, better respiratory support in the ICU and early methods of diagnosis.