How Do You Get Sacral Herpes? Symptoms & Natural Home Remedies

Sacral herpes is a common skin condition caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). This recurrent skin problem is also called genital herpes. Herpes simplex manifests itself as small group of blisters on mouth, genitals, buttocks and lower back on sacral region of spine. It is called sacral herpes because the affected nerve roots originate from sacrum, the last five vertebra of spine.

The nerves from sacrum innervate the genital area. Genital herpes is highly contagious infection and its transmission is by close personal contact, especially sexual contact with an infected person. The painful sores and other symptoms often wax and wane periodically at the same site of their occurrence.

What Causes Sacral Herpes?

There are two types of HSV virus, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 usually affects areas around mouth, nose and lips. HSV type 2 usually involves the lower back (sacral area of spine), buttocks and genitals. However, sometimes type 1 can cause infection in the genital area and likewise type 2 can affect mouth and lips.

Sacral herpes or genital herpes as it is popularly known is viral infection and the virus enters the body by close physical contact with an infected person. It is sexually transmitted disease and a person can develop the infection after having sexual contact both oral and genital with an infected person.

Men and women are equally susceptible to the infection.

The infection can be primary and recurrent. Primary infection occurs in only few individuals who are infected. In rest the virus remains dormant in the sacral nerve roots. They get activated later on when the conditions are favorable. Outbreaks usually occur when the immune system is suppressed or with a physical and emotional stress.

Patients suffering from illness or taking certain medicines that lead to weakened immunity are more vulnerable to outbreaks. Since sacral herpes is not situated classically in genital region many people may not realize that the lesions in genital or buttocks are due to sacral herpes. They may be misdiagnosed as yeast infection or an allergy. But the true fact is sacral herpes is a form of genital herpes.

Symptoms Of Sacral Herpes

In majority of cases the condition is mild and it can be mistaken as a symptom of other illnesses. Sometimes, the condition remains asymptomatic and therefore the patient may not be aware of the infection. The typical symptoms of sacral herpes consist of painful tiny blisters in the genital area, buttocks and on the sacrum. The blisters can be in clusters or in isolation. After few days the blisters will break open and form sores. The sores are tender and if it is for the first time, it heals after 2 to 3 weeks.

In the primary attack, patient may complain of flu like symptoms such as body ache, mild rise in temperature, swollen lymph nodes, and tingling burning sensation, pain in lower back. In women blisters may often spread to cervix leading to cervicitis. Woman often complain of painful urination if the urethra is inflamed. In men the lesions are observed on the genital area. Recurrent outbreaks are less severe in pain and they heal quickly.

Natural Remedies For Sacral Herpes

There is no permanent cure for sacral herpes. A person once infected is vulnerable for outbreaks throughout his life. However, anti viral drugs are now available which can reduce the frequency of outbreaks and severity of the symptoms.

Aside from the regular anti viral drugs, home remedies are also effective in reducing the time interval and its recurrence.

  • Aloe Vera gel: Aloe vera gel reduces the pain and burning sensation. Apply the gel on affected area regularly.
  • Licorice: This herb is found to restrict the growth and cell division of the virus. There are many ointments which contain licorice as one of its content.
  • Liquid prepared by boiling walnut tree leaves is known to alleviate symptoms of sacral herpes. Powder few dried black walnut leaves and boil it in water. Once the water becomes cool, strain the liquid. Dip clean cloth in this liquid and place it on the sores.

Certain reports suggest diet has remarkable influence on sacral herpes. It reduces the outbreaks and shortens its duration. Vitamin E is found beneficial in healing the lesions faster. Eat food containing vitamin E such as egg yolk, fish, and butter. Food containing amino acid lysine is also found to reduce the spread of virus and shorten the time duration of recurrent infection. Lysine is found abundantly in milk, beef, lamb etc.

However, food containing amino acid arginine is found to increase the growth of virus. Avoid arginine containing food such as peanuts, cashew nuts, chocolate etc. Eat food that contains vitamin C as it boosts the immune system. With a healthy immune system the rate of recurrence is reduced. Fruits and vegetables are rich source of vitamin C.

Reduce mental stress level by practicing yoga and meditation. Mental depression and stress is known to aggravate the condition.