Irregular, Missed Periods After Stopping Birth Control Pills Causes


Hi, how common is it for females to not get their monthly period, while on the pill? This happened to me, with no possibility of pregnancy, I then went off the pill, bled quite a bit, which was to be expected, but after, not getting periods anymore? What are the causes of missed or abnormal periods after birth control pills and how to make it normal?


Woman taking birth control pill may have withdrawal bleeding after stopping the pill; withdrawal bleeding may be very less in some cases or some time it may not appear at all, this is due to the hormonal changes occurring in the body.

Stress can affect your cycles so it is also one of the possibilities.

Irregular Periods After Stopping Birth Control Pill

Many women experience irregularity in their periods as soon as they stop taking birth control pill (BC Pill). This is because the body comes to its original pattern of menstruation i.e. if you had irregular menses or amenorrhea before starting on pills you will probably have the same episodes of irregularity after stopping the pills. In some cases you may have irregular menses even though you had regular periods before starting the pills.

This is a temporary phenomenon and gradually menses returns to normal.

After stopping the birth control pills (BC pills), body again starts producing hormones which are responsible for menstruation. In some woman there is a delay in this cycle of production for few months leading to missed periods or amenorrhea. Check for pregnancy if periods do not resume by two months of stopping the pills. If the periods does not resume by six months you have to consult your gynecologist.