Baking Soda Douche: Recipes And How To Make A Baking Soda Douche

Baking Soda Douche Recipes

Douche is a French word meaning to wash. Douching of vagina is cleaning of vagina with water or with added chemical ingredients in water.

Baking soda douche is one such douche used by many women frequently; the other ingredients used instead of baking soda are vinegar or iodine.

One should consult a doctor before taking baking soda vaginal douche. Because there are two schools of thoughts, one favors its use while other is not sure of its credibility.

Reason of favoring:

  • It is used to treat vaginal candida infection.
  • Increases the probability of having male child. (Although there is no clinical data available to support this claim). It is believed that baking soda increases the vaginal alkaline ph.

Contraindication of its use:

  • Virgins should not use it.
  • Pregnant woman should not use baking soda douche.

Reason of not favoring:

  • Vaginal flora gets disturbed with use of baking soda douche.
  • Chances of infection and irritation of vagina increases.
  • Can cause ectopic pregnancy.
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases can occur by vaginal douching.

Therefore before proceeding for the therapy, one should always consider to take an expert opinion from your doctor.

How To Make Baking Soda Douche

Ingredients required:

  • Baking soda
  • Distilled water

Preparation method:

Take a glassful of distilled water, warm a little, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Allow it to mix well. And irrigate the vagina with the special vaginal douche bottle available in commercial places.

Vaginal baking soda douche are commercially available in stores, and people prefer to use it.