Natural Remedies for Oily Scalp | Natural Cures for Oily Scalp

Oily Scalp Causes and Treatments:

Our scalp contains many sebaceous glands. Too much of oil is produced by these glands which results in oily scalp. Certain correction in the dietary aspect is needed to bring back this condition to normal. Sebaceous glands are present roughly in number of one and half lakhs on ones head. Long strands of hair are oilier as oil wicks into them quite easily. On the other way round curly hair are less oily.
Too much of humidity and heat can cause Increase in oil or sebaceous gland production.

Other features which nowadays play an important role in this condition are stress and hormonal imbalance or changes.

Preventing Oily Scalp:

  • Avoid too much fat in your diet. A diet of fried foods, saturated fats, meat and dairy products triggers increased production of sebum or oil. This results in oily scalp and hair.
  • To prevent oily scalp; do not over brush as this carries additional oil from the roots into the hair.
  • Do not use shampoo which contains sodium lauryl sulfate or NDELA (nitrosodiethanolamine). Both are harsh and dry the scalp, perhaps causing flakes.
  • Shampoo which looks clear is the one you should use as they contain less amount of oil.
  • Drink lots of water.

Home Remedies for Oily Scalp:

  • Those individuals who have oily scalp should apply shampoo two times during their bathing. In between one should thoroughly rinse the hairs. One you have shampooed your hair twice feel your hair and scalp if they still feel oily or not? This will roughly give you an idea how much cleansing is required for clearing the oil from the scalp.
  • Lemon juice is very useful as a rinsing agent. For making a preparation one should extract a juice of 2 lemons and add it into one liter of water. This preparation will help to get rid of residuals of soap and clean scalp and hair.
  • Vinegar of apple cider is also used for rinsing the scalp and hair. After showering and blotting the hair dry, apply the rinse and massage it through the scalp. Leave it on for 5mins. Then rinse it with cool to tepid water.
  • One can add 4 heaping teaspoon of dried eucalyptus leaves in one liter of boiling water. Cover it. Remove from heat and steep for and hour. Strain and pour the liquid into a squeeze bottle. At the close of the shower pour the solution over the head slowly. For maximum effect, let it dry and then rinse it.