Herbs That Help Digestive System: Digestive Disorder Herbal Cures

The digestive system and the process of digestion at a glance seem to be a simple bodily function. However, every one of us at some point in our life may have experienced it to be distressful and annoying. For some digestion problems may become a source of debilitating disease.

People spend enormous amount on medications, laxatives, anti-diarrhea preparations. Unfortunately most of them mask the symptoms but fail to resolve the underlying problem permanently. Nature has provided variety of herbs and natural supplements that can be used for effective digestion.

Healthy digestive system is vital to maintain good health.

The function of digestive system is to take in the food, break it down so that the nutrients can be absorbed well and lastly to eliminate the waste. Everything may suffer from smallest cells to large organs of the body if digestion goes awry.

The digestive system comprises of mouth, esophagus, the stomach, small and large intestine, and the rectum. Even liver, gall bladder and pancreas play an important role. Problems related to digestion can occur in any of these areas. Normally even before taking food, its aroma triggers the digestive system.

The salivary glands in the mouth release saliva to chew the food in mouth. It makes swallowing easy.

The chewed food is carried through the esophagus into the stomach where further digestion occurs. When the food becomes semisolid it enters into the intestine where digestive juices from pancreas and gall bladder break down the protein, carbohydrate and fats. Mainly the nutrients get absorbed in the small intestine. The waste material left after absorption travels down to large intestine to be finally eliminated through rectum.

Most digestive problems are caused due to wrong eating habit, stress, lactose intolerance, food allergies, not chewing food sufficiently, enzyme deficiency, overeating, imbalance of healthy bacteria, and lastly poor elimination.  The use of appropriate herb may fix most of the digestive troubles and weaknesses. Below are given herbs and their use in common digestive disorders. Many of them also stimulate digestion.

Herbal Remedies For Digestive Disorders

Constipation: Constipation results when the waste matter moves slowly through the digestive tract. Constipation can lead to other problems such as gas, flatulence, bad breath, hemorrhoid etc. Insufficient intakes of fiber, sedentary lifestyle are two important causes of constipation. Herbs useful to relieve constipation are:

  • Psyllium Husk: This valuable herb is used since ages. It becomes gel like in consistency when mixed with liquid. It lubricates and adds bulk to the stool. Large stool press the intestine and stimulate muscles to eliminate it.
  • Flax seeds: Flax seeds absorb water from the intestine and swell. Thus the bulky stool move fast in the colon and gets eliminated. You have to drink plenty of water with flax seed.
  • Licorice: It acts as a laxative especially for the children.
  • Senna: It has powerful action and should be used as a last resort has an herbal laxative. In some cases it may cause cramps and stomach ache.

Flatulence: Gas is formed by some foods such as beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage because they contain starches which are difficult to breakdown. In some people various other causes can lead to gas formation.

  • Herbs such as ginger, fennel, papaya, peppermint and cinnamon are useful to relieve flatulence.

Diarrhea: Diarrhea may have many causes such as bacterial and viral infection, lactose intolerance, food poisoning etc. Several helpful herbs reduce the frequency of diarrhea:

  • Garlic helps to kill bacteria and viruses due to its antibacterial and anti viral properties.
  • Ginger root reduces the frequency of stool when taken as ginger tea.
  • Slippery elm bark forms gel when mixed with water and helps to reduce the frequency and mass.
  • Goldenseal contains alkaloid berberine which is found effective in diarrhea related to infection with E. coli, dysentery, salmonella and other organisms.

Heartburn: Useful herbs for heartburn are: Ginger, Gentia, fennel, catnip and goldenseal.

  • Ginger is the most important herbal remedy for heartburn. Drinking ginger ale or one teaspoon of ginger juice mixed with one teaspoon of honey relieves heartburn.
  • The bitter herb gentia taken in capsule and liquid extracts before eating helps to reduce heartburn.

Irritable bowel syndrome: Commonly known as spastic colitis or mucus colitis, this disease has symptoms of alternating diarrhea and constipation, flatulence, bloating of abdomen etc. The disease can be caused due to physical, emotional, and dietary factors. Food allergy and stress are other common causes.

  • Helpful herbs: Peppermint oil, Slippery elm, chamomile, physillium husk, ginger and garlic.