Category: <span>Eye Health</span>

Even if you cry silently in your bathroom or in the darkness of theater, you cannot conceal its telltale sign; the blood shot puffy eyes and swollen face. Crying is natural; it is strong sign of emotion whether the pearly …

Cucumber is a widely cultivated vegetable in many parts of world. It’s astounding cooling and refreshing effect on eyes has made it a popular home remedy for tired eyes. Cucumber as a natural beauty product has been in use since …

Parasites are living organisms which invade humans as well as animals for their survival. They commonly invade gastrointestinal system in humans, but sometimes parasites can afflict other organs too. Parasitic infection although not common in eyes can cause catastrophic symptoms …

Blepharitis is a medical term used for inflammation of eyelids. Usually inflammation occurs in area around the eyelashes. The most common cause of bleharitis is staphylococcal infection, however demodex mite infestation can also be one the causes which is often …

Night blindness is a condition related to poor vision in darkness. It is not a disease, but a symptom of underlying disease. People suffering from this symptom see very well in the presence of adequate light. Everyone normally have momentary …