Pain In Extremities: Causes Of Severe Pain In Arms And Legs

Question: Why do I experience Severe Burning Pain and tingling sensation in both Extremities, especially in the night? Do I have a heart disease?

Answer: Pain in extremities especially burning pain is seen in many individuals and equally in both the sexes. It is also referred as neuralgia in medical terms.

Causes Of Pain In Extremities

Burning pain is characterized by pain in the distribution of a particular nerve, in the absence of objective signs of dysfunction.

Causes can be pathological or functional:

  • Vitamin deficiency especially vitamin B1, B6, B12 may be responsible for burning pain.
  • Neuritis caused due to compression of vertebra can also give rise to such type of pain
  • Associated diabetes can be seen in patients having burning pain in extremities.
  • Post herpetic neuralgia is observed in many patients. It is the burning pain occurring after the patient has suffered from herpes.

Severe Pain In Arms And Legs

  • Idiopathic, in some individuals the cause is not known.
  • Allergic reaction to fabrics or insect bite can also cause burning and tingling in extremities.

To rule out heart disease you will have to do certain tests: blood cholesterol level, electrocardiogram etc. only on the symptom of burning pain in extremities it is very difficult judge for heart disease.