Seasonal Rhinitis Symptoms: Causes, Prevention And Home Remedies

Rhinitis is a medical term meaning swelling and irritation of the mucus lining in nose; Rhino means nose. As the name suggests, seasonal rhinitis is a type of allergic rhinitis which occurs in a particular season. When allergic rhinitis persists throughout the year, it is called perennial rhinitis.

Seasonal rhinitis is common during pollen season, especially in spring and summer, when pollen in the air increases. It is usually observed in children above the age of 6 and in adults. The condition is popularly known as hay fever.

Symptoms Of Seasonal Rhinitis

Though not a serious disease, many people find difficulty in performing their daily work due to seasonal allergy rhinitis.

  • Itching in nose and upper palate is the first prominent symptom manifested by a person suffering from rhinitis.
  • Sneezing follows itching. There is continuous ten to twenty bouts of sneezing; it makes the person irritable and exhausted.
  • Running and watery nose.
  • As the disease progresses patient feels stuffy nose. He finds difficulty in inhaling due to inflammation of the inner lining of nose.
  • The eyes become watery and itchy and red.
  • The mucus drains backwards into the throat from the nose. It is called post nasal drip.
  • It is often accompanied with loss of smell.
  • Rarely the nose may bleed.
  • Feeling of heaviness in head.
  • Clogged ears, cough and sore throat.

Causes Of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis

Seasonal rhinitis is caused when the body reacts to the seasonal allergens, like airborne pollens and spores from trees, grass and weed. During spring and summer, there is rise in airborne pollens and spores. These allergens enter the body through mouth and nose, when you breathe.

The immune system in a person, who gets affected with seasonal allergic rhinitis, overreacts and considers these normally harmless substances as a threat to their body. The body fights back and releases histamine a body chemical which gives various allergic rhinitis symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose etc.

Plants such as pine, birch, willow, horse chestnut, grasses like rye-grass and timothy, weeds such as ragweed are known to cause seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Home Remedies For Seasonal Rhinitis

Treating seasonal rhinitis requires two way approaches. First is preventive and second is curative.

  • Prevent your body from exposure to seasonal airborne allergens such as pollens, spores, weeds etc. Although it is not possible to stay indoors all the time during the pollen season, you can avoid its exposure by using air conditioner in your car, home and office. Wear a mask when you go out in open.
  • Modern day medical practitioners usually prescribe anti histamines and decongestants to stop seasonal rhinitis. However there are instances where its use is not recommended as in case of pregnancy, or when a person is driving for a long distance as most of the anti histamines have drowsiness as a side effect.

Home remedies are as effective as any other medicine in seasonal rhinitis. The added benefit is they do not have any side effects.

  • Mix one teaspoon of Indian gooseberry juice and one teaspoon of honey. Take the mixture two to three times in a day.  Gooseberry is loaded with vitamin C. This vitamin helps to boost body’s immune cells to fight against the offending source.
  • Mixture of ginger juice and honey is also effective in treating symptoms of seasonal rhinitis. Ginger also strengthens your immune system.